Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Ordinary to say the least..

Could this be the start of the gloss coming off the Turnbull Govt? With a reshuffle having to take place due to Jamie Briggs bad behaviour and Mal Brough stepping down which shows poor judgement by PM Turnbull as he should never been appointed in the first place. One of his answers to Peter Slippers diary has to be a lie either Parliament or 60 Minutes Liz Hayes. How can a person like that uphold the ethics of parliament?

Malcolm has several problems in choosing replacement Ministers one being the Nationals want an extra position and probably Warren Truss will be leaving parliament at next election. What a sad situation having Barnaby Joyce as Deputy PM he is so embarrassing at times. I suggest Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie should be promoted as a Minister she did a Stirling job questioning ABC's Mark Scott and the Turnbull Govt need more women and Bridget understands Regional areas well.

The other major problem will be Tony Abbott's extreme right wing mates who are stirring up trouble and want their mate Abbott back in Cabinet. That would only be a major distraction to PM Turnbull as Tony Abbott could not help himself and will want to protect his lack of legacy as PM and will be speaking out on topics other than a Cabinet Ministry.
Also Malcolm is beholden to some of Abbott's mates to keep his position safe not that there would be any challenge prior to the next election.

Which leads me to suggesting the 2016 election will be held either late March or April as the Govt does not want to prepare a May budget as they have really stuffed up the budget deficit and realise all their pre election promises were wrong and in many cases they were elected on lies. This early election is quite obvious with clearing the decks of any problem areas ie Briggs/Brough which should have been dealt with in last week of parliament but did not want scrutiny then but wanted it on a slow media day like yesterday.

There is no doubt also that the early election does not give ALP time to elect a new leader as Bill Shorten is their best asset to being re-elected. Because of Kevin Rudd's complicated voting there would be insufficient time to elect either Jason Clare or Mark Butler as leader in that time.

It is such a pity that the past 2 1/4 years have been lost with only stopping the boats their only disgusting achievement. We still have a second rate NBN and Climate Change policy and Gonski only funded for 4 yrs and Health and Universities are still being hit.
How can this happen in a rich Nation that we lack infrastructure  and have a terrible approach to the worldwide refugee problems?
It's time we had real leaders like Paul Keating who understood what was required and went out and changed our standing in the world and even to this day we are benefiting from his vision.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is one position in cabinet that Abbott would be capable of, ie Tea 'Lady'.
